


KWYD/KWYDI (Know What You’re Doing/Know Why You’re Doing It)

KWYD/KWYDI is designed with tournament golfers in mind. However, it will work for anyone that wants to permanently, and dramatically, lower his/her score. It doesn’t matter if you are a beginner or if you play tournaments regularly. KWYD/KWYDI will help you organize yourself and better structure your practice.
Your thought processes, your organizational skills, awareness of both your strengths and weaknesses: these skills are considerably more important than having a beautiful golf swing. Learn to play toward your strengths and away from your weaknesses. Aim to allow the shot you produce most often. Then, repeat.
KWYD/KWYDI is an exam/quiz with no wrong answers. Be honest with yourself and detailed with each answer you give. If you don’t know how to play a shot, then your answer is, “I don’t know.” If you don’t know how to play a shot, your next step is to find out how to play the shot, then decide if the shot is, for you, a strength or a weakness. Coaches: for team pricing, contact:

You can also pay via Venmo. Franklin-Hudson-3 


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